Montag, 17. September 2012

Repair of my ASTEROID

Since quite some time now I'm experiencing problems with the keys and jogwheel of my ASTEROID. After sending an e-mail to Parrot support describing my problem I've been told to contact the reseller I've bought it from.
My ASTEROID device is from eXpansys. The shop that got the ASTEROID as one of the first ones in Europe in stock.
I sent an e-mail to eXpansys support and got no reply for hours (Parrot replied within minutes) i called eXpansys support (German landline: +49 69...). A friendly voice greeted me: "Bonjour" was the only thing I understood and after introducing myself in german she told me in english that the german support team is having lunch right now and is not available.
I've been ordered to call again in one hour...

Parrot: +1
eXpansys: -1

For the first time I had a good experience with Parrots support!

Let's see whats one hour!

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